>Two Scoops
> I like children’s music and videos and stories. I learn a lot from them. Sometimes the most profound truth can be explained with two scoops and some breakfast cereal. Posted by Robin Schmidt on February 26th, 2009
>This One’s for the Ladies
> Every word I believed intill I felt it in my own heartin the deepest partthe healing came -Sara Groves Posted by Robin Schmidt on August 20th, 2008 There are women in our lives that intimidate us. We are awed by their beauty or their gifts or their strength or their popularity and we pull […]
>Living on a Need to Know basis
>submitted by Robin Schmidt It is the information age. We can find out pretty much anything through books, television, or the world wide web. We value knowledge and pursue it. We have game shows where people compete to see who possesses greater knowledge. Remember Ken from Jeopardy? He seemed to know EVERYTHING. We believe knowledge […]
>The “be with” factor
>Submitted by Robin Schmidt My hands are full, my plate, my to do list. All full. That is the state of our culture. Busy, busy, busy. We are stressed from it. We are tired. So why do we do it? Because it is easier. Really. Being busy doing things is MUCH easier than being with […]
>Fire Insurance
>Submitted by Robin Schmidt Have you ever heard the fire insurance analogy? Hell being a place of eternal fire, the “sales pitch” is made that Jesus is your insurance policy against fire/hell. You may be shaking your head in wonder or chuckling, but many of us do think of God in that way. Maybe not […]
>Fast or Famine
>by Robin Schmidt I bought a One Year Chronological Bible at the end of last year. My new year’s resolution was to read through the entire Bible. I even thought I would like to read “ahead” so that I would complete the reading before the holidays this year. I started out strong. I read every […]
>Words of Good Cheer… Filling the Air
>by Robin Schmidt Have you hauled out the holly? Decked the halls? Do you hear jingle bells? Silver bells? Are you simply having a wonderful Christmas time? The sounds of Christmas…music. Music is an amazing and powerful thing. It can set a mood, or take you back in time. Words and sound combine and together […]
>The Horse Knows the Way
>“Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go. The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh in the white and drifting snow.” I always think of that as a Thanksgiving song. Thanksgiving approaches and I begin to sing those lines in my head. It is very comforting isn’t it? The […]
What is Your Weapon of Choice?
I watched a friend’s eight month old baby for a few hours last week. Before I agreed to keep Austin I had made a list of things I was eager to do. I had just bought a carpet cleaner and wanted to clean the carpet on the back porch. While that was drying I hoped […]